Spanish Lessons in Lake Atitlan
San Pedro, San Marcos, San Juan, Santa Cruz
Personal Tutoring with Clemente Temó
Learn Spanish in the comfort of your hotel or casa
Affordable ~ Convenient ~ Experienced ~ Flexible ~ Effective
Clemente nows offers Online Study via Skype
Private Lessons with a Master Teacher
Spanish lessons can be fun and easy. But your choice of a teacher is important. Clemente Temó is an experienced teacher, native to Lake Atitlan. He is fluent in English and Spanish, so he can explain all aspects of the language, whether you are a beginning or advanced student. Clemente has taught in many of the established Spanish schools in the Lake Atitlan area. Now he is available for for private tutoring, tailored specifically to your needs. Read on to understand the advantages of taking lessons from an independent master teacher.
Why Choose Your Own Teacher?
There are many language schools in the Lake Atitlan area. So why would you want to hire your own teacher? Well, there are many reasons to consider:
The price is lower
Because Clemente does not carry the overhead of maintaining a school, he can offer lessons for lower rates than the local schools. In fact, Clemente can guarantee that your cost will be less than local San Marcos schools.
Clemente will come to you!
You can meet in the comfort of your own location. Or if you prefer, he can suggest a quiet spot in San Marcos where the two of you can focus on your lesson. Sometimes Clemente takes students around San Marcos to teach them about local culture and practice Spanish in real life situations.
Choose your own teacher
When you enroll in most schools you are assigned a teacher from a list of whoever is available. You may get a teacher who knows Spanish, but who is not a good match for you. Many teachers in the local Spanish schools are fresh out of their training. They may lack experience in both teaching and in life. And often their mastery of English is only basic. You can read about Clemente on this website. You can call or email him to discuss your needs. So you can decide yourself if he is the right teacher for you.
Individualized Program
With Clemente’s training and many years of experience, he can design an individualized approach based on your needs. The two of you can negotiate a schedule that works for you. The lessons can be designed with the degree of structure that suits you. You can choose the areas you want to focus on. And Clemente can introduce you to various types of learning activities that make learning Spanish fun and interesting.
Cultural Education
Clemente grew up here, but he is also a man of the world. He can teach you about the Lake Atitlan culture as well as discuss topics important to you. You can learn Spanish while connecting personally with someone who may well share many of your own interests. He is as interested in getting to know you as you are in learning a new language and culture.
Clemente is Motivated
In most Spanish schools, up to 60% of the students’ fees go to the administration of the school. By working independently, Clemente can charge less and still be paid more. This means he is very motivated to keep your business by making your Spanish lesson meet your needs.
Flexible Schedule
You can take lessons one on one, or Clemente can work with couples or small groups of students. You can also choose your own schedule, depending upon his availability. You can choose:
- Mornings (start at 8:00, 9:00 or 10:00)
- Afternoons (start at 12:00, 1:00, 2:00 or 3:00)
- Weekend classes are also available
You can choose your own class length from 2 or more hours per day.
DELE: A Special Method for Spanish Instruction
Clemente is trained in DELE (Degree in teaching Español as a Foreign Language). DELE is the professional standard for teaching Spanish as a second language. Teachers with this degree are considered master teachers, and they generally charge higher prices for their services. Because Clemente is independent, he can offer his advanced training to you for a reasonable cost.
Clemente’s Spanish Program
Clemente teaches Spanish to students at all levels. As students progress, Clemente can test you and help you advance to the next level.
- Beginner Test 1
- Basic Test 2
- Intermediate Test 3
- Advanced Test 4
- Super-Advanced . Test 5
The tests include evaluation of your skills in:
- Oral (pronunciation)
- Conversation
- Writing
- Comprehension (listening)
- Reading